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What is Radiofrequency
Skin Tightening?

Radio Frequency, also referred to as RF, is a fantastic treatment for tightening loose or sagging skin on any area of the body to produce firmer, more youthful looking skin. 


RF works by generating heat and applying it to the epidermal and dermal layers of the skin. The heat causes tissue retraction, resulting in instantly tighter and firmer skin. It also works to stimulate collagen production which over time produces a more youthful looking appearance.

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How does Radiofrequency Work?

Radiofrequency (RF) skin tightening is a non-surgical technique that employs electromagnetic waves to heat the skin to temperatures between 38-43 degrees. This process stimulates the production of collagen, thereby enhancing skin elasticity. By directing RF energy into the deeper layers of the skin, it generates heat, which serves to tighten existing collagen fibers and stimulate the formation of new collagen. This method is particularly well-suited for addressing mild to moderate skin laxity on both the face and body, providing a safe and efficient solution without the need for downtime.


The Radio Frequency approach to skin tightening is known for its gentle nature, making it suitable for use on all areas of the body to reduce skin laxity.

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Where can Radiofrequency be performed?

Face, Neck, Décolletage, Back of hands, Mummy Tummies, Breast lifting, Cellulite. Medial knee region and any area required tightening. 

What are the benefits of Radiofrequency Skin Tightening?

Can be performed on all areas where there is a loss of skin elasticity. 


Improves the appearance of lines and wrinkles.


Reduce the appearance of cellulite.


Non-invasive and no-downtime.


No surgery or anesthetic required. 


What to expect during my appointment for Radiofrequency?

Prior to treatment, you will need to avoid clinic facials including IPL, laser or exfoliation treatments such as chemical peels or skin needling a week prior your RF treatment. 


Avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours before and after your treatment as well as caffeine for at least 2 hours before and after your treatment.


To properly flush out your lymphatic system and eliminate the fat cells, staying hydrated is key. We recommend drinking at least 2 litres of water pre and post treatment. 


No extra preparation is necessary for your RF sessions. However, you will need your free consultation at our clinic before your session to discuss your goals and suitability for the treatment. Our clinician will plan your treatment and target your concern areas.


The treatment process is  painless, and most clients will experience zero discomfort, some find the warm sensation relaxing. Requires no anaesthesia, and may only need 6 to 12 sessions to get your desired results.


The treatment lasts 30 minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated. 


After your treatment  you can return to your normal activities immediately, although you may experience some redness in the treated area.



8 sessions Radiofrequency Skin tightening

Book your free consultation

Schedule a free consultation with our Therapists. In this complimentary session, our body expert will address any queries you may have regarding the technology and treatment procedures. Following that, we will collaborate with you to tailor and suggest optimal treatment programs, assisting you in reaching your desired body goals.

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