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What is HIFU
Body Contouring?

HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) treatment uses low amounts of Micro-Focused Ultrasound energy are delivered into precise skin depths without damaging the surface of the skin. The MFU energy creates heat, which stimulates tissue remodelling. The result, over time, permanently remove fat and visibly tighten the skin.This procedure ensures a pain-free experience with no downtime, effectively addressing specific areas of concern.


Utilizing deep dermal micro-heating technology, ultrasound targets fat cells, raising the temperature to 60-70° and permanently eliminating them. The high-frequency ultrasound waves further penetrate deeper skin layers, diminishing persistent fat deposits and producing a visibly tightened and lifted outcome.


Despite the process targeting and eliminating fat cells, the skin is safeguarded and remains comfortable throughout the 30-minute session.


As one ages or experiences weight changes and pregnancy, the skin may lose its firmness and become saggy. Collagen, a protein present in the skin and the body, plays a crucial role in maintaining skin tightness. However, natural collagen production diminishes with age, leading to sagging skin and reduced elasticity.


HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) addresses this by initiating collagen production deep within the skin through dermal micro-heating, promoting multi-layered lifting for a plumper, smoother, and more youthful complexion.


HIFU operates with meticulous and precise precision, employing a calibrated approach to target various skin layers. Utilising advanced micro and macro-focused ultrasound technology, these sophisticated systems release carefully tuned bursts of ultrasound energy to specific depths, initiating a regeneration process.​


HIFU devices offer versatility through various treatment cartridges and adjustable ultrasound frequencies, serving four key purposes:


1.5 & 2 mm cartridges: Addressing issues like wrinkles, fine lines, skin texture, enlarged pores, and promoting skin rejuvenation.


3 mm cartridge: Tightening the skin by stimulating collagen and elastin production in the dermal layer.


4.5 mm cartridge: Targeting the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS) muscle layer for lifting and toning.


6, 9, and 13 mm cartridges: Inducing fat cell death for permanent fat reduction and body contouring.


These cartridges deliver focused ultrasound energy at precise depths, effectively addressing your specific body concerns with long-lasting results and no recovery time.


What are the benefits of HIFU

Body Contouring?

Achievement of a leaner and more toned look.

Reduction in cellulite.

Enhanced circulation and expedited healing.

Attainment of specific and enduring results.

Enhanced skin elasticity leading to increased strength, tightness, and firmness.

Diminished sagging of the skin in treated regions such as the stomach and arms.


What to expect during my appointment for HIFU?

Prior to treatment, your skin will be cleaned, and a set of clinical photos will be taken. 


We will advise a plan to optimise your comfort during the procedure. HIFU treatment is highly efficient. Because HIFU is a non-invasive treatment, you can expect to be able to return to your normal routine right away.


During your HIFU treatment, your LA Body clinician will apply the cartridge to your skin. You will feel some vibration and a warm sensation and may feel muscles in the area contracting.

There is always time to ask a question or take a break; just speak up. The degree of heat required for optimal results will probably cause some discomfort as the ultrasound energy is delivered


No extra preparation is necessary for your HIFU sessions. However, you will need your free consultation at our clinic before your session to discuss your goals and suitability for the treatment. Our clinician will plan your treatment and target your concern areas.


The treatment process is mostly painless, requires no anaesthesia.


One session 10D HIFU Full Face

Book your free consultation

Schedule a free consultation with our Therapists. In this complimentary session, our body expert will address any queries you may have regarding the technology and treatment procedures. Following that, we will collaborate with you to tailor and suggest optimal treatment programs, assisting you in reaching your desired body goals.

  • How does ultrasound fat cavitation help reduce cellulite?
    Ultrasound fat cavitation uses low-frequency sound waves to disrupt fat cells beneath the skin, causing them to break down and be eliminated from the body through the lymphatic system. This process can help reduce the appearance of cellulite by targeting and reducing fat deposits.
  • How does radiofrequency treatment improve cellulite?
    Radiofrequency treatments use energy waves to heat the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating collagen production and tightening the skin. This can help improve the appearance of cellulite by firming and smoothing the skin's surface.
  • How many radiofrequency sessions are typically needed to see results?
    The number of radiofrequency sessions needed varies depending on factors such as the severity of cellulite and individual treatment goals. Typically, a series of several sessions spaced out over several weeks is recommended for optimal results.
  • Is ultrasound fat cavitation effective for all types of cellulite?
    While ultrasound fat cavitation can be effective for many individuals, its effectiveness may vary depending on factors such as the severity and type of cellulite, as well as individual response to treatment.
  • Is HIFU body contouring safe for treating cellulite?
    HIFU body contouring is generally considered safe when performed by a qualified and experienced practitioner. However, it's essential to undergo a consultation to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the treatment.
  • What is HIFU body contouring, and how does it target cellulite?
    High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) body contouring delivers focused ultrasound energy to target and destroy fat cells beneath the skin's surface. This can help reduce the appearance of cellulite by breaking down fat deposits and tightening the skin.
  • What can I expect during and after a cryolipolysis treatment session?
    During the treatment, you may experience sensations of cold, tingling, or mild discomfort as the area is cooled. Afterward, you may experience temporary redness, bruising, or numbness, which typically resolves within a few days to weeks.
  • How does cryolipolysis help reduce cellulite?
    Cryolipolysis works by cooling targeted areas of fat, causing the fat cells to crystallize and die. Over time, the body naturally eliminates these dead fat cells, resulting in a reduction in fat volume and an improvement in the appearance of cellulite.
  • Are there any side effects or downtime associated with Endospheres therapy?
    Endospheres therapy is generally well-tolerated, with minimal side effects such as mild redness or temporary discomfort during or after treatment. There is typically no downtime, and you can resume normal activities immediately following the session.
  • How does Endospheres therapy target cellulite?
    Endospheres therapy uses mechanical vibrations generated by a device with rotating microstimulators to massage and stimulate the skin and underlying tissues. This can help improve circulation, lymphatic drainage, and collagen production, leading to a reduction in cellulite and improved skin texture.
  • How does the Wonder EMS treatment work?
    The treatment involves wearing a specially created body suit, which is wired with high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology that can be programmed to different intensities and to target specific muscle groups. The Wonder treatment forces strong muscle contractions, to build the shape, strength and tone of these targeted areas.
  • Which area can Wonder EMS be performed?
    Wonder EMS Sculpt can be performed on the backside, core muscle, legs, arms, buttock, thigh, and abdomen.
  • What does it feel like?
    The Wonder EMS treatment has been described as buzzing, pulsations or spasms (depending on the intensity), but not painful. Although, you may experience delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) a couple of days afterwards – proof that your body really has had a workout!
  • Will Wonder affect my inner organs?
    No. There are no scientific studies that link Wonder EMS to inner organ damage. Wonder only stimulates muscle movements, without interfering with other organs.
  • How many treatments do I need?
    We generally recommend 4 sessions over a two-week period, however, when you come in for your first consultation, we will work with you to formulate a treatment plan that best suits your goals.
  • Is Wonder EMS safe?
    Your Wonder EMS treatment is supervised by our highly trained technicians, with the highest attention paid to hygiene. The suit is made of high-quality insulating material for superior protection.
  • Where does the fat go?
    Following the disturbance of adipose cells, triglyceride-formatted fat is liberated into the interstitial fluid among cells. In this space, enzymatic processes break down the fat into glycerol and free fatty acids. The water-soluble glycerol is assimilated into the circulatory system to serve as an energy source, while the insoluble free fatty acids are conveyed to the liver for further processing, akin to fatty acids derived from dietary sources.
  • What are the side effects of Fat Cavitation?
    There are no major side effects. You may experience some redness in the treated area but it should dissipate within an hour or so.
  • What does the Fat Cavitation feel like?
    Ultrasound Body Contouring treatment is completely non-surgical, non-invasive and does not require anaesthesia. Most clients describe the treatment as painless and comfortable. Some clients even find the warm sensation in the targeted area during treatment quite relaxing.
  • Who should avoid Fat Cavitation?
    Individuals facing medical or health issues, such as heart or liver disease, should refrain from undergoing fat cavitation. Pregnant or nursing individuals are not suitable candidates for this treatment, and the same applies to those with medical implants like cochlear implants or pacemakers. It is crucial to discuss any health concerns during your consultation to determine your eligibility for fat cavitation. If it is determined that fat cavitation is not the right choice for you, our body experts will develop an alternative treatment plan tailored to your body's goals.
  • Which areas of the body can Ultrasound Fat Cavitation treat?
    Ultrasound Fat Cavitation is great for treating all the most common areas of stubborn fat such as the abdomen, bra line, buttocks, thighs, ‘love handles’ and upper arms. It's also highly effective in reducing cellulite and smoothing out problem areas such as the buttocks and thighs.
  • How many treatments will I need?
    Depending on your individual situation (which we will assess during your consultation), you may need anywhere between 6 and 12 treatments for optimum results. You will start to feel the effects after the very first treatment and by the third treatment you should begin to see real improvements take place. Treatments are spaced at one-week intervals to allow your body to flush out the fat released during the process of Ultrasound Fat Cavitation.
  • How long does each treatment take?
    Each session lasts for 30 minutes.
  • When will I start to see results?
    You will start seeing results immediately, but for lasting results, we recommend a course of 8-12 treatments, with at least three to five days in between each procedure.
  • What is the difference between Ultrasound Fat Cavitation and Cryolipolysis Fat Freezing?
    Fat cavitation and fat freezing are both non-invasive fat loss treatments designed to reduce stubborn fat, but they work differently. Fat freezing permanently eliminates stubborn pockets of fat by freezing the area of concern. This kills the fat cells getting rid of them for good. Fat cavitation targets stored fat cells with ultrasound technology turning them into liquid-free fatty acids, which are then metabolised by the body and used for energy, resulting in immediate centimetre loss. For fat cavitation, we massage the treatment area with an ultrasonic paddle applicator. We are able to target larger areas with fat cavitation as fat freezing is generally more suitable for smaller, more targeted pockets of fat. If the fat is harder to grab, or spread over a larger area of the body, then fat cavitation may be a better option for you. At your initial consultation, our body experts will advise which treatment is best for you and your body goals.
  • Can Fat Cavitation damage organs?
    The simple answer is no. Ultrasonic Cavitation destroys intractable fat cells by using low-frequency sound waves, this type of sound wave is designed to destroy fat cells, and it does so without causing damage to any other tissues or organs.
  • Is Fat Cavitation safe?
    Certainly. Absolutely. The procedures are non-invasive, indicating that they do not penetrate the skin, eliminating any potential for infection or complications. Our therapists are extensively trained and qualified to administer these treatments. In contrast to conventional surgery, the associated risks are minimal. We encourage you to communicate with your skilled therapist during the consultation to confirm your suitability for the treatment and address any concerns you may have about the procedure.
  • How can HIFU target and reduce Body fat and Cellulite?
    We adjust our HIFU device to reach deeper layers beneath the skin, effectively targeting and eliminating fat cells to address body fat. This procedure results in the permanent death of fat cells. Following your cellulite treatment, the deceased fat cells will gradually be absorbed and processed by your body, ensuring they do not return, ultimately leading to a leaner and more sculpted physique. While certain patients may observe immediate improvements in their skin post-treatment, more noticeable changes tend to manifest over a twelve-week period. The optimal results typically become evident around 6 to 9 months after the initial treatment.
  • Who can have the HIFU treatment?
    Patients suitable for HIFU are those with sagging and laxity of the skin, caused by sun damage and ageing as well as patients who want to prevent wrinkles. Patients with facial implants or open wounds on their face are not appropriate for this treatment.
  • Are there conditions that HIFU does not treat?
    Because HIFU's Micro-Focused Ultrasound is specifically designed to treat the lower, foundational, support structures of the skin, it does not treat surface problems such as: * Sun-damaged skin * Pigmentation * Rosacea, blue or red facial veins or capillaries * Acne or acne scarring. Your practitioner will advise you on the best treatment for the above conditions.
  • What are the possible effects from HIFU treatment?
    * Your skin may appear red for a few hours after HIFU treatment. * You may experience slight swelling, tingling or tenderness for a few days after treatment. Rarely, some patients may experience temporary bruising, welts or numbness. * There is a slight risk of a burn to the skin, which may or may not lead to scarring. Both a burn and any scarring will respond to medical treatment. * Temporary nerve inflammation will resolve in a few days or weeks. * If a motor nerve has become inflamed, you might experience some temporary local muscle weakness. There could be some temporary numbness if a sensory nerve has become inflamed.
However, due to HIFU precision engineering, it is highly unlikely that either of these complications will occur.
  • Do I need to do anything to prepare for the treatment?
    For best results, we recommend men are clean-shaven on the day of treatment. For women, please do not apply makeup before your treatment, avoid retinol, and topical vitamins 3 days before your appointment.
  • Are the results long-lasting?
    HIFU benefits will peak between six and nine months after treatment. The new collagen produced will be stronger, and its structure more 'youthful' than previously. This in turn makes your skin stronger and better supported, helping to reverse the effects of ageing on your skin. A regular program of treatment every 6 to 12 months will maintain your results, and is likely also to give you some additional improvement after each subsequent treatment.
  • What results can I expect from HIFU treatment?
    You can expect to experience two phases of HIFU results: * You will feel an immediate tightening of your skin in the treated area, as the heat from the Micro-Focused Ultrasound contracts the network of collagen fibres. The strands of protein that makeup collagen shrink when exposed to the levels of heat used in HIFU treatment. * Micro-focused ultrasound also stimulates other cells, called Fibroblasts, to manufacture new, stronger collagen. This gradually develops over a period of months. The result is a gradual lifting of the skin in the treated area, as the support structures fill out.
  • If I undergo HIFU treatment, is it possible to also receive injectable fillers and anti-wrinkle treatments?
    Absolutely! While numerous individuals find satisfaction in the outcomes achieved with HIFU alone, there does not impede combining injectables. In fact, the synergy between these treatments enhances the overall results. However, we recommend not having injectables/botox within 4 weeks before your HIFU treatment.
  • How many treatments will I need?
    Most patients will need only one treatment and then can repeat the treatment every 6 to 12 months to maintain their results. For moderate to severe laxity, 2 treatments in the first 6 months are recommended, and maintenance treatments every 12 months after that.
  • What does HIFU treat?
    HIFU performs skin tightening on the Face, Neck and Body. It can also be used to lift the skin, treat fine lines and wrinkles, and rejuvenate and strengthen the skin.
  • How much does HIFU cost?
    The cost varies depending on the areas you are having treated. In your consultation we will discuss the areas you would like treated during your consultation and can customise the treatment to address your areas of concern and meet your budget.
  • How long does each treatment take?
    HIFU treatments take between 30 minutes to an hour, depending on which areas are being treated.
  • Does the Fat Freezing hurt?
    As the cooling begins during the first few minutes, you will feel pressure and cold. This soon dissipates as the area becomes numb. Many people read, watch videos, work on their laptops, or even take a nap during their treatment. Depending on your pain threshold, you may experience mild discomfort that will ease in the wake of the treatment. Numbness, a slight tingling sensation is not uncommon during the treatment, but the vast majority of patients report little or no pain.
  • Where does the fat go?
    Once crystallised, the fat cells slowly break down and are transported through the lymphatic system to the liver where they are processed out of the body as waste.
  • What are the risks of Fat Freezing?
    There are no known risks to fat freezing, most people do not feel anything during the procedure, there is no downtime and you are able to resume activities as normal immediately after the procedure has finished. It is, however, normal to experience some side effects for up to 2 weeks post-treatment, these can include: Slight redness, Minor swelling, Tenderness, Bruising, Tingling, Numbness, Skin sensitivity, and Mild discomfort.
  • What happens in a consultation?
    Your 30-minute consultation is entirely focused on you and your body goals. Our approach is assessing the area of concern and working together to come up with a plan that takes into consideration goals, timeframe and budget.
  • Does Fat Freezing work?
    Yes, scientific studies have shown that the procedure can successfully remove up to 30% of fat cells from the targeted areas.
  • How long does the Fat freezing take?
    Each treatment takes 45 – 60 minutes, which means that it’s a perfect solution for anyone who is time-poor and wants to see noticeable results without having to invest ample amounts of time or money.
  • Is Fat Freezing safe?
    Yes. The treatments are non-invasive – meaning the treatment does not penetrate the skin so there is no risk of infection or complication. Our equipment is medical grade and registered on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG).
  • Can I return to normal activities after treatment?
    Yes, you can. The procedure is completely non-surgical, and most patients report that they are able to return to normal activities immediately after the procedure has taken place.
  • Is Fat Freezing permanent?
    Once the fat cells have been addressed, they are permanently gone. Your long-term results should remain steady as long as you continue to eat normally and exercise.
  • When should start Fat Freezing?
    When you should start fat freezing is of course up to you and your individual requirements, but as results can take at least four weeks to show – if you’re undergoing fat-freezing for a specific holiday or event – we recommend scheduling your session three months in advance, six at the most.
  • How can I enhance my results?
    Embrace Healthy Habits. While fat freezing is designed to help eliminate stubborn fat, the best results will be achieved if you adopt a healthy diet and lifestyle alongside the fat freezing treatment. We suggest eliminating bad habits – such as smoking, too much alcohol and an excess of sugar, or unhealthy fats in your diet.
  • When will I start to see results?
    Results can start to show as quickly as 6 weeks, with optimal results being seen at the 12th-week mark. In your consultation at LA Body, your therapist will discuss your individual goals and expectations, as well as offer a realistic guide to the results you can expect from your treatment.
  • When will I start seeing results?
    When it comes to the tightening and lifting effect of RF, it can produce instant results. You will notice immediate improvements to your skin tone that will just get better with each session. The collagen remodelling aspect of RF takes a little more time and you will reach full benefits of the collagen stimulation around 3 months after treatment.
  • What areas can I treat with Radiofrequency?
    RF can effectively treat the entire body depending on your skin concern. Tightens and lifts loose or sagging skin around the jowls, neck, chin, tummy, buttocks, thighs, arms and legs Tightens smoothes and improves facial skin tone to reduce fine lines and wrinkles Reduces and smoothes the appearance of cellulite and uneven skin tone Firms ageing skin, including décolleté, to produce a more youthful appearance
  • Can anyone undergo Radiofrequency treatment?
    While Radiofrequency treatment is generally safe and effective, there are specific eligibility criteria that individuals must meet to ensure their well-being during the procedure. To be eligible, one must not have impaired peripheral circulation, neuropathic disorders such as post-herpetic neuralgia or diabetic neuropathy, impaired skin sensation, open or infected wounds, bleeding disorders, recent surgery or scar tissue in the treatment area, a hernia or a history of hernia in the treatment area, skin conditions like eczema, dermatitis, or rashes, be pregnant or lactating within the last 6 months, have an active implanted device such as a pacemaker or defibrillator, possess liver, kidney, or cancerous diseases, or have uncontrolled diabetes or blood pressure. Additionally, it is advised not to undergo treatment if menstruating when targeting the abdomen. These criteria ensure the safety and effectiveness of the Radiofrequency procedure for each individual.
  • What do I need to avoid after my treatment?
    We recommend avoiding excess sun exposure and always applying sunscreen if going out into the sun post-treatment. Caring for your skin will ensure the beautiful results of your RF treatments stay with you for a long time to come.
  • What is the Radiofrequency aftercare?
    Other in clinic facials including IPL, Laser or Exfoliation treatments such as chemical pees or skin needing, should be avoided for a week prior to and a week following an RF treatment. Exercise, swimming, spas and anything that involves increasing your body temperature, should be avoided for 24-48 hours. A 30+ sunscreen should be appled immediately following your treatment and reapplied as necessary over the next 72 hours.
  • What does the Radiofrecuency feel like?
    RF is a painless treatment and most clients will experience zero discomfort. Some find the warm sensation relaxing.
  • Can I get on with my day after treatment?
    You sure can! Some clients may experience redness immediately post-treatment, but this typically subsides not long after treatment. As there is no downtime, you can get on with your day as usual.
  • How many treatments will I need?
    This will all depend on your individual situation, and we will carefully assess this for you during your consultation. Some clients may only need 4 treatments, while others may require 6 or 12 to achieve brilliant results.
  • What are the contraindications of Radiofrequency?
    Pacemaker or internal defibrillator. Superficial metal or other implants in treatment area. Severe concurrent conditions, such as cardiac disorders. Pregnant and nursing motherss Impaired healing disorders. History of diseases stimulated by heat, such as Herpes Simplex in area. Poorly controlled endocrine disorders, such as diabetes. Any active condition in the treatment area, such as sores, psoriasis or eczema. Use of Roaccutane within last 6 months. Other skin sensitising medications within the last 2 weeks. Facial laser resurfacing and deep chemical peeling within last 3 months. Any surgical procedure in treatment area within last 6 weeks.
  • Is IPL SHR hair reduction suitable for me?
    Treatments are suitable for a wide range of skin types and hair colours. Your clinician will discuss your expected results during your consultation.
  • What can I expect after my IPL sessions?
    Facial hair will take 7-10 days to fall out while body hair may take 2-3 weeks. Individual results will depend on your skin type, hair coarseness and natural growth cycle. Your clinician will be able to provide you more information on what to expect based on your own individual situation during your consultation.
  • How is SHR IPL hair reduction different?
    SHR technology is a breakthrough innovation in IPL treatments. The difference between IPL SHR and other IPL machines is that SHR scans the treatment area with up to 10 flashes per second. This gradually heats the targeted area for painless hair reduction, instead of high intensity shots that can cause discomfort, experienced with traditional IPL.
  • Is IPL Permanent Hair Removal suitable for me?
    Treatments are suitable for a wide range of skin types and hair colours. Your clinician will discuss your expected results during your consultation.
  • How long do I have to wait between treatments?
    Treatments must be conducted at regular intervals. Generally, 4-6 weeks between treatments are recommended, depending on the area being treated.
  • How many treatments will I need?
    This depends on your individual hair type. Most clients require 6-8 sessions to receive optimum results though hair will reduce and become finer with each treatment. For some, maintenance treatments may be required to achieve a lifetime of smooth skin. This will depend on a range of factors which your clinician will discuss during your consultation.
  • What areas can be treated with IPL or SHR removal?
    - Neck and facial hair - Underarms - Legs and thighs - Bikini/Brazilian - Chest and back - Arms and hands - Shoulders - Buttocks - Feet and toes - Upper lip and chin
  • What can I expect after my SHR IPL sessions?
    Facial hair will take 7-10 days to fall out while body hair may take 2-3 weeks. Individual results will depend on your skin type, hair coarseness and natural growth cycle. Your clinician will be able to provide more information on what you can expect based on your individual situation during your consultation.
  • How does IPL work?
    A fully trained clinician will apply a specially designed hand piece to your skin and generate an intense pulse of light which will be absorbed by the hair follicle, disrupting the hair and preventing it from growing back. The light from the hand piece is delivered at high intensity during a very short period of time. It is this rapid discharge of light that provides the high energy levels required for an effective IPL treatment.
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